We are very pleased to announce that the new program brochures have arrived. Please contact us if you would like to receive a set of brochures for your resource center or study abroad fair this Fall. All brochures are available as PDF files and an overview of all dates and deadlines can be found here |
As an official commitment partner for the IIE Generation Study Abroad Initiative, our Director, Uli Leibrecht, will attend the upcoming inagural summit on October 1-2 in Washington, DC. If you are also attending or will be in the area and would like to meet with her, please just let her know: uli@cepa-foundation.org |
In addition to the affiliate grant and scholarships we already offer, students who apply to any of our programs in 2015/2016 can receive the new Student and Alumni Ambassador Awards and receive up to $500 reduction total in their program fee and up to $700 after completing a CEPA Foundation semester program. Please let us know if you have any students who are interested to receive additional financial support for study abroad programs. |
Our popular and free academic webinar series will continue this Fall. Save the Date: Monday, Sept. 21, 2015 from 11:00 am until 12:00 pm (CST)“Emerging Adulthood and Studying Abroad: Supporting Student Resilience”For more details, visit: https://www.cepa-foundation.org/webinars/ |
The next “Castle Talks” International Symposium will take place on December 7-8, 2015. Topic: “Border Bridges” – Memories of conflicts & peace in border regions” CEPA Foundation students from all locations will travel to the Strasbourg, France Study Center to meet with Harald Leibrecht, CEPA Foundation President, as well as other European students, politicians, academics, and business leaders to exchange viewpoints, ideas, and knowledge on the topic. |
Our charitable service project in Guatemala is making great strides towards reaching our overall goal: to help the families of Vuelta Grande become self-sufficient and to improve their standard of living. CEPA and it’s affiliate partner organizations have raised another 13,000 Euros in the past months. With these funds, we are currently building a community and learning center in Vuelta Grande to help the families with pre-school and adult education and projects. As an effort to continue its overall mission, the CEPA Foundation has decided to make a donation of $100 to the Guatemala project on behalf of each student who enrolls in one of the semester or summer programs. We are planning also a familiarization trip to get to know the Vuelta Grande project and to experience the beauty of Guatemala and it’s unique people between Nov. 28th and Dec. 6th. Applications to participate are still being accepted. |
The CEPA Foundation recently launched a new center called The Global Institute for Values & Education (G.I.V.E.) . It is housed at the CEPA Foundation Study Center Château de Pourtalès in Strasbourg, France. G.I.V.E. is a place where we can encourage global leadership skills and professional & personal development, foster cross-cultural understanding and competencies, and facilitate intercultural dialogue among Americans and Europeans through our transatlantic networks. The upcoming leadership seminar “From Smart to Wise Leadership” will feature the famous author and leadership consultant Prasad Kaipa. It is scheduled to be held on Nov. 25th at the Château de Pourtalès and all CEPA Foundation students are invited to participate. A 4 week summer seminar for students on “Intercultural Leadership” (6 US credits) is currently being developed and will run mid-June to mid-July 2016. Further information and application information will be published later this month on our website. |