Webinars and Symposia

Current Events:

"Castle Talks World Café"

Theme: To be announced

Keynote Speaker: To be announced

Monday, Nov. 17 - Tuesday, March 18, 2024

Jean Monnet Center of Excellence & Jean Monnet Chair Nef Law

Hosted by: CEPA Foundation


Past Events:

"Castle Talks World Café"

Theme: Castle Talks on Narratives of borders in Europe
Perception of Europe in Border Regions
B-Shapes & Jean Monnet Chairs Nef Hist-Nef Law

Monday, Nov. 11 - Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024

Jean Monnet Center of Excellence & Jean Monnet Chair Nef Law

Hosted by: CEPA Foundation


"Castle Talks World Café"

Theme: EU- Ukraine -Russia Perception of borders and European integration in times of War

Keynote Speaker: Katarzyna Stollosa, University of Southern Denmark

Monday, March 25 - Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Jean Monnet Center of Excellence & Jean Monnet Chair Nef Law

Hosted by: CEPA Foundation


The main theme will be "Russian aggression against Ukraine and its consequences on Europe and its borders".

This year the format of Castle Talks has been modified in order to involve students more intensely in the debates. The event will begin on Monday evening and Tuesday with two keynote speakers, and afterwards, the students will be the main presenters.

On March 26, students will present their work for the first time and in the afternoon, and be invited to participate in a “World Café”.

On March 27 the third and final Border walk event will take place where participants will walk across the French/German border in order to create mental maps.

Birte Wassenberg, Director of the Center of Excellence, University of Strasbourg

"Castle Talks on Narratives on Borders in Europe"

The resilience of border regions in times of crisis -

Borderlands as zones of common Law?

Monday, November 13 - Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Jean Monnet Center of Excellence & Jean Monnet Chair Nef Law


Moderated by: CEPA Foundation


Free Webinar

"Intercultural Competence: A Guide for Study Abroad"

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

60-75 minutes of presentation time followed by Q&A

10:00 - 11:30 am Eastern / 9:00 - 10:00 am Central / 8:00 - 9:00 am Mountain / 7:00 - 8:30 am Pacific
4:00 - 5:30 pm Central European Time



Jill E. Blondin, Ph.D., Associate Vice Provost for Global Initiatives, Virginia Commonwealth University

Jill E. Blondin, Ph.D.

Associate Vice Provost for Global Initiatives, Virginia Commonwealth University


Marketa Lepicovsky, Ph.D.

Academic Director, CEPA Foundation

Join this webinar to learn more about:

  • How do education abroad programs contribute to students’ development of an international perspective as they learn to adjust their attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors in different cultural settings?
  • Examples from Europe address specific cultural challenges and learning opportunities US-based students and faculty may expect to encounter in this region of the world.
  • Finally, how might educators and providers articulate these skills to students and assess the impact of the experience?  

Who should participate?

This webinar is designed for education abroad professionals at all levels, faculty, and staff who offer international opportunities or engage with international students.

  • Participation in the webinar is free of charge and sponsored by the CEPA Foundation.
  • A recording will be available on this website following the event.

"Castle Talks on Narratives on Borders in Europe"

Confrontation of Border Models

The narrative of Europe without Borders

Wednesday, March 1 - Thursday, March 2, 2023


Moderated by: CEPA Foundation





Departure from Kehl-Hochschule (Läger Tram D)

Arrival at the château Pourtalès


Restitution of borderwalk experience




Virtual/Hybrid Webinar of the Jean Monnet Center of excellence: Lecture sur la frontière/Reading on the border (hybrid)



Blanche Giraud-Beauregardt, actrice



Rahimi (en français)

Ernest Hemingway (in English)


First part: European Narratives on Borders in Law

Cross-border health cooperation/la cooperation transfrontalière en matière de santé



Introduction: Aude Bouveresse (Directrice du CEIE, Université de Strasbourg)

Key note: Fabienne Leloup (Université catholique de Louvain)


Coffee break


Second part: Roundtable/Table-ronde (en français)



Modératrice: Frédérique Berrod (Sciences Po Strasbourg)



Fabienne Leloup (Université catholique de Louvain)

Martine Camiade (Institut d’études catalanes)

Jean-Yves Pabst, professeur de réglementation pharmaceutique, université de Strasbourg

Anne Dussap (TRISAN)


Discussion avec les étudiants du Master Produits de Santé de la faculté de droit de Strasbourg



European Narratives on Borders in History: Europe without Borders



Welcome: Harald Leibrecht (Château Pourtalès, CEPA)


Birte Wassenberg & Frédérique Berrod (Sciences Po Strasbourg, Jean Monnet Chairs on European Narratives on Borders, Strasbourg)


First Part: Europe without borders


Session chair: Anne Thevenet (Euro-Institut Kehl)

Valeria Fargion (University of Florence)

Michael Frey (Hochschule Kehl)

Daniela Braun (Universität des Saarlandes)


Coffee break


Second Part: Exchange of experience


Session chair: Michael Frey (Hochschule Kehl)


Working group 1:

Sciences Po Strasbourg CES

Discussant: Anne Thevenet (Euro-Institut Kehl)

Working group 2:


Discussant: Daniela Braun (Universität des Saarlandes)

Working group 3:

Sciences Po Strasbourg CES

Discussant: Frédérique Berrod (Sciences Po Strasbourg)





Session chair: Jörg Röber (Hochschule Kehl)


Working group 4:

Sciences Po Strasbourg CES

Discussant: Fabienne Schimek (Euro-Institut Kehl)

Working group 5:

Sciences Po Strasbourg CES

Discussant: Valeria Fargion (University of Florence)

Working group 6:


Discussant: Michael Frey/Rahel Alia Müller (Hochschule Kehl)


Coffee break



Session chair: Inbal Becker-Reshef (Nasa)


Working group 7:

Sciences Po Strasbourg CES

Discussant: Louise Weber (Euro-Institut Kehl)

Working group 8:

Sciences Po Strasbourg CES

Discussant: Jörg Röber (Hochschule Kehl)

Working group 9:

Sciences Po Strasbourg 4A

Discussant: Birte Wassenberg (Sciences Po Strasbourg)/Ian Coleman (CEPA)



Virtual/Hybrid Webinar of the Jean Monnet Center of excellence in cooperation with the US consulate: Borders and food/water security


Welcome by the Consul General

Darragh Paradiso

Conference. Dr. Inbal Becker-Reshef (Nasa)

Moderated by: Birte Wassenberg (Sciences Po Strasbourg) &
Joachim Beck (Hochschule Kehl)



Webinar on Ukraine

Guest speaker Walter Braunohler, U.S. Foreign Service Officer

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

12:00 - 1:30 pm Eastern standard time

Mr. Braunohler will discuss the role of Ukraine in Europe and its current situation, focusing on Ukrainian culture and the economical situation. You will also learn more about Ukraine's history, politics, demographics, and geography. A Q&A session will follow.


Guest Speaker: Mr. Walter Braunohler

Walter Braunohler is the State Department's senior faculty advisor at the U.S. Naval War College. A U.S. foreign service officer for over 20 years, Mr. Braunohler was most recently the counselor for public diplomacy at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine from 2020-2022. Prior to that, Mr. Braunohler was the U.S. consul general in Krakow, Poland from 2015-2018 and the spokesperson for the U.S. Mission to Thailand, Bangkok. He has also served in Sudan, Australia, Iraq and Washington, D.C. A graduate of the University of Michigan and the U.S. Naval War College, Mr. Braunohler speaks Thai, Polish and Ukrainian, and is originally from western Michigan.

"Castle Talks on Narratives on Borders in Europe"

Confrontation of Border Models

The narrative of Fortress Europe

Monday, November 28 - Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Keynote Speaker:

John Goodman

Director of Syracuse University Strasbourg

In his new role leading the Strasbourg center, Goodman will spearhead program development, student affairs, and community relationship building. He officially began his role on August 22, joining established faculty, staff, and a cohort of 30 students in Strasbourg.

Goodman holds a B.A. from Centre College, with a double major in French and history, an M.A. from the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce at the University of Kentucky, a Juris Doctor from the University of Kentucky Law School, and a Ph.D. in international affairs from the University of Geneva.

Read more

Moderated by: CEPA Foundation


Past webinar and symposia:

"Castle Talks"

on Cross-Border Cooperation, Borders, Security, and Nationhood 

Franco-German Jean Monnet Center of Excellence & Borders in Globalization

November 29, 2021
11:00 - 1:00 pm Eastern
10:00 - noon Central

Moderated by: Frédérique BERROD (Sciences Po Strasbourg)


Global Virtual Internship Webinar:
Perspectives on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Hands-on Journey

Monday, June 28, 2021
1:00 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Please join us for an upcoming webinar about our GLC Global Virtual Internship Program
and to learn more about a framework for disruptive innovation
by putting the United Nation's SDGs into action.

Webinar Sessions:

Overview of the Global Learning Collective (GLC) and Fall Global Virtual Internship Program 
Round Table Discussion with Guests 
Q & A

Guest Speakers:

Jessica Thomas

Professor at NC State University

Pedro Ruffier

CEO at Movin

John Storm

GLC Asian Regional Mentor

Emily Bengyak

Chattanooga Community State College Student

Moderated by:

Nicole Mosert
EDU Africa

The webinar is hosted by the Global Learning Collective of which CEPA is a founding member.

Virtual CEPA Symposium Series

Recent Symposium:

The U.S., China, and Europe:
Trends and Challenges in 2021

Original broadcast:

Friday, April 16, 2021

Opening Remarks:

Darragh Paradiso

Consul General of the US in Strasbourg, France


Meglena Kuneva

Ambassador of the European Union to the Council of Europe


Dr. Birte Wassenberg

Professor in Contemporary History of International Relations Institute of Political Studies, University of Strasbourg



Robert Wang

Senior Associate for the Asia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies


Rüdiger Lentz

Lentz Consulting, Former Executive Director, Aspen Institute


Hanna Katharina Müller

Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Community, Germany


Christian Leffler

Former Deputy Secretary-General at European External Action Service



From an economic perspective, but increasingly also from a military and political one, China is gaining international influence—at the expense of the United States and the West. The United States views China as a strategic challenger and does so on a bipartisan basis.

The question for Germany as well as for all of Europe is whether European interests vis-à-vis China fully align with U.S. interests? Whether the United States judges its European allies as useful and reliable will depend on the continent’s stance vis-à-vis China. So Europe’s China policy will be a litmus test of future transatlantic relations.

Organized by:

The symposium is organized in cooperation with the U.S. Consulate in Strasbourg, Sciences Po Strasbourg, and the CEPA Foundation. 

Who participated?

Students and professors from Sciences Po Strasbourg, Nancy, and Reims, Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA), and multiple universities in the USA participated.

Please check back regularly for announcements about our webinars.

or request to view On-Demand Webinars

The on-demand webinars are offered by the CEPA Foundation, free of charge, to faculty, study abroad staff, and administrators at colleges and universities.

Past Webinars 1-20

Original Broadcast: April 28, 2014

Presented by: Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation

Description: This webinar covered the basics of integrating education abroad into undergraduate education: value, key stakeholders, guiding principles, data, learning outcomes, methodology, and major advising pages.

Original Broadcast: May 5, 2014

Presented by: Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation

Description: This webinar covered the important strategic decisions around determining who in the education abroad office does curriculum integration, how to advocate for resources, factors to consider when determining which departments to work with first (largest, already allies, greatest potential, most difficult, easiest), and how to kick off your work (invites from deans/provosts, workshop, individual invites to department chairs, etc.). Examples of different approaches have been shared.

Original Broadcast: May 12, 2014

Presented by: Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA

Description: This webinar delved into the details of how to discuss with faculty the intended learning outcomes of education abroad for their majors, how to go about finding courses and programs that are potentially good matches for the department, talking with faculty about those matches, finalizing the suggested list of programs for each department, and then publicizing that information to students, academic advisors, faculty, and education abroad advisors. We also discussed a few key metrics for assessing success and what some next steps could be in maintaining the collaboration with each academic department.

Original Broadcast: December 2, 2014

Presented by:  Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation
Description: As campus administrators make data-based decisions about resource allocations, how can you use national data and acquire and use your campus data to advocate for increasing resources for education abroad? The positive financial impact of education abroad for your campus extends from admissions through alumni.

Original Broadcast: January 26, 2015

Presented by:
Jim Galvin, Director of Opportunities Abroad & Faculty-Led Programs at UC San Diego
Professor Matthew Herbst, Director of the Making of the Modern World Program at UC San Diego
Heide Wiedmann, Director of University Relations, CEPA Foundation

Description: Is your institution planning to establish faculty-led study abroad programs or modify an existing program? If so, then this session may be of interest. We will discuss the UC San Diego model of working with study abroad organizations to develop collaborative partnerships to offer faculty-led programs. Topics will include selecting and training faculty, student recruiting strategies, building partnerships across campus, working with a study abroad organization, and faculty perspectives on faculty-led programs.

Original Broadcast: February 9, 2015

Presented by:
Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation
Jon Stauff, Director, Center for Global Engagement, The College of New Jersey

Description: How can you help students set academic, personal, and career goals for their education abroad experience before they leave and what can you do to help them articulate the skills they have gained once they return? Learn about the Experiential Learning Seminar (ELS) offered to students enrolled in CEPA Foundation programs and how you can help "bookend" the on-site learning. The ELS covers goal setting and realization and ends with a resume and cover letter review as well as a mock interview to help students hone their ability to articulate what they have learned while abroad.

Original Broadcast: September 21, 2015

Presented by: Janice Abarbanel, PH.D., Psychologist and Health Educator, Emerging Adulthood and Study Abroad
Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation

Description: This webinar offers an overlooked opportunity to bridge and integrate a long-standing gap in training and practices related to supporting our students throughout the process of studying abroad. The presenter will speak about the theory of the life stage called Emerging Adulthood that offers study abroad professionals a frame of reference to engage with our students’ development. The presenter, recently returned to the US after 3 ½ years as the onsite psychologist with NYU’s Berlin program, will share ideas from her approach to integrating Wellness practices within student life and academic programming. An “Emotional Passport” is a compelling way to address the emotional adjustments that are important for all students as they engage with another culture, especially as emerging adults. Integrated wellness support is an essential component for all students, not, as is often the case, “just” for students who have on-going or pre-existing mental health diagnoses."

Original Broadcast: November 2, 2015

Presented by:

Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation
Dr. Wolfgang Glebe, EM Business School / University of Strasbourg

Description: This webinar provides education abroad professionals (and faculty members leading programs abroad) with highlights of some of the theories on intercultural and cross-cultural learning and interactions for students who are participating in education abroad. We will also give examples of engaging assignments and activities that are based on those theories. This information is especially helpful for education abroad professionals who organize and offer pre-departure orientations, on-site orientations, and on-going orientation classes for students while they are abroad. A resource handout will provide links and pdfs to the theories and activities.

Original Broadcast: February 29, 2016

Presented by:
Anthony C. Ogden, Ph.D., Executive Director, Education Abroad and Exchanges, University of Kentucky International Center
Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation

Description: Due to the proliferation of provider organizations working in the broadly-defined ‘industry’ of U.S. education abroad, it has become incredibly challenging for even the most experienced education abroad professional to differentiate organizations and to determine with whom to partner. Long-standing affiliations and professional loyalties are being tested by the arrival of a new cadre of innovative and entrepreneurial organizations and without doubt competition for students and attention is intensifying. As a result, education abroad offices are being bombarded with email solicitations, campus visit requests, ever-expanding exhibition halls, and so on. In this webinar, Dr. Anthony Ogden will describe the "Ten Quick Tips" that he has developed for working with education abroad provider organizations. Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director of the CEPA Foundation and former Dean of International Education at UC San Diego will comment and respond.

Original Broadcast: April 18, 2016

Presented by:
Jim Galvin, Director, Opportunities Abroad & Faculty Led Programs, UC San Diego
Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation


Join us for this webinar on some of the practical aspects of faculty-led programs grounded in best practice and more than 16 years of experience.

Shared governance: who has responsibility for which aspects of faculty-led programs and how do you "educate" faculty and administrators about best practices related to those responsibilities?

Roles: deciding which programs will be offered (based on disciplines, locations, staffing capacity, quality, available on-site partners), reviewing applications and admitting students, health and safety, determining budget, etc.

MOUs: ensuring that there is a shared understanding of expectations, compensation, issues related to family members, etc.

Faculty workshops/handbook: requiring faculty to attend workshops that educate them about recruitment, program design, group dynamics, supporting students while abroad, health and safety abroad, etc. and providing them with a comprehensive reference handbook.

As always, there will be time for discussion and Q and A with the presenters.

Original Broadcast: Monday, April 18, 2016

Time: 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time Zone)

Original Broadcast: Monday, October 24, 2016

Presented by:
Steven Duke, Ph.D., Assistant Vice President for Global Strategy and International Initiatives at the University of Nebraska, a four-campus system
Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation


This webinar takes an in-depth look at strategies for framing intercultural learning on programs led by home-campus faculty. It focuses on both the pre-departure and while-abroad stages and will offer suggestions for simple but powerful ways faculty and education abroad professionals can frame the experience to motivate students and provide students with specific and concrete examples and exercises on how to engage. This extended and intentional interaction with host-country individuals is a key part of the cross-cultural learning experience.

Original Broadcast: Monday, April 18, 2016

Time: 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time Zone)

Original Broadcast: Monday, October 24, 2016

Presented by:
Dr. Naomi Ziegler, Assistant Director, Off-Campus Studies, Carleton College
Leigh Neys, Ed.D., Director of International Programs, Northern State University
Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation


This webinar will focus on the functions and services of small education abroad offices within US higher education. We will provide an overview of various models and outline best practices to maximize resources (human and financial), enhance professional capabilities, and increase the visibility of education abroad work across campus.

Original Broadcast: Monday, Nov. 14, 2016

Original Broadcast: Monday, March 27, 2017

Presented by:
Mae Brown, emeritus, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of Admissions, UC San Diego
Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation


How did we get there? How did we become such good collaborators? What is the value proposition for institutions, enrollment management/admissions, and education abroad offices? Identify key liaison Admissions, Registrar, and Education Aboard Offices. ACE has noted that 70% of incoming freshmen students (across the US) want to include education abroad as part of their undergraduate degree so having admissions staff talking about education abroad is both the right thing to do for the students (the value of the experience) and it’s the right thing for the institution—may help recruit more/better students. That’s the value proposition.

Original Broadcast: Monday, April 24, 2017

Presented by:
Dr. Michael Stebleton, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation

What does it mean for students to have a world-relatedness? Do our students with whom we interact on a daily basis have a flare for change? More importantly, how do we as study abroad educators foster these traits in our undergraduate students? Using the student development concept of the reasonable adventurer, Dr. Stebleton will discuss strategies for challenging students to become reasonable adventurers in their own approach to learning. He will share some of his own ideas that he applies to his own students—in the classroom and abroad—and encourage participants to share their own promising practices.


  • To define and discuss the traits of the reasonable adventurer and how it applies to study abroad opportunities.
  • To gain an understanding of how and why the reasonable adventurer is especially relevant to today’s college students.
  • To share and discuss experiences and ideas to foster critical thinking, global learning, interpersonal communication, and other qualities through high-impact practice in study abroad.

Original Broadcast: Monday, October 24, 2017

Presented by:
Paloma Rodríguez, Associate Director, Undergraduate Academic Programs, University of Florida
Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation

What is ePortfolio practice and how does it address the needs of the education abroad field? As an increasing number of research studies demonstrate, an immersive experience abroad alone is not enough to ensure learning. This webinar will explore how ePortfolios can reinforce strategies with demonstrated impact on student learning such as reflection, social pedagogies, and mentorship before, during, and after the experience abroad. By promoting reflection and identity development and by transforming students into intentional and active learners, ePortfolio practice can enhance intercultural competence and global learning ePortfolio practice places reflection and integration at the core of the education abroad experience turning students into more intentional and active learners. By engaging in this integrative social pedagogy, students reflect on the links between their seemingly disconnected learning experiences (academics, education abroad, co-curricular activities, life experiences, personal growth, career aspirations…) and weave them into a comprehensive personal digital space. Reflective prompts actively engage students in the process of preparing for and making meaning of their experiences before, during, and after their time abroad.

ePortfolios provide a window into students’ learning and are, therefore, an information-rich tool for the purposes of assessment and programmatic improvement. ePortfolios not only construct understanding, but they also communicate it to authentic audiences, such as faculty, peers, prospective education abroad participants and their families, campus administrators, and future employers. By making learning visible, ePortfolios compellingly demonstrate the value of education abroad experiences to these important stakeholders and can be used as an effective marketing tool to increase recruitment and support for international programs.

Original Broadcast: Monday, February 26, 2018

Presented by:

Dr. Julie Hatcher Executive Director of the Center for Service and Learning and Associate Professor of Philanthropic Studies in the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis

Dr. Mary F. Price Director of Faculty Development at the IUPUI Center for Service and Learning

Facilitator: Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation

Abstract: Preparing graduates with civic and global competencies is of keen importance to colleges and universities across the globe. Strategic use of service learning (SL) and international service learning (ISL) pedagogy can integrate learning outcomes that link global and civic learning through the lens of intercultural competence and critical global citizenship. This webinar will provide an overview of good practice, evidence of student outcomes, and introduce practical strategies for integrating service learning as part of a campus internationalization plan.

Description: Service learning is a particularly effective teaching approach for educators to immerse students in situations and settings that readily tap into both the local and global dimensions of social issues (Bringle, Hatcher, and Jones 2011). Use of service learning and related community-engaged learning methods has increased in recent years in the U.S and abroad. Through curriculum internationalization and community-engaged learning strategies, faculty are increasingly experimenting with course designs that challenge college students to: Conceptualize local and global interconnectedness of contemporary social issues [aka. Globalization], Develop technical, analytical, and communication skills, and Examine their responsibilities as citizens of communities of shifting scales and affinities. Civic outcomes, therefore, include not only an understanding of how to, and the conditions under which, one can make a difference through voluntary action, advocacy, and public policy, but also how to navigate boundaries of cultural difference. In this framework, cultivating intercultural competence is a critical element of instructional design practice shared by both international and civic engagement educators (Deardorff 2011).

Participants will gain the following from this webinar:

  • Increased awareness the principles of service learning pedagogy and intercultural competency as an civic and global learning outcome,
  • A deeper awareness of implicit synergies between civic engagement and internationalization initiatives that can be harvested to promote connections between local and global learning, and
  • Strategies, resources, and practical tips to support integration of service learning and related engaged learning methods into internationalization efforts. 

Original Broadcast: Monday, April 15, 2019

Presented by:

Dr. Anthony Ogden, Associate Vice Provost for Global Engagement at the University of Wyoming

Dr. Elizabeth Brewer, Director, International Education, Beloit College, WI, 

Facilitator: Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation


Recent discussion of education abroad focuses on the development of operational skills such as communication, self-confidence, problem-solving, and flexibility. Such skills are desired by employers and are critical to civic life and lives of meaning. Indeed, many colleges and universities are embracing them as desired outcomes of undergraduate education.

In this webinar, Elizabeth Brewer and Anthony Ogden argue that for operational skills to be strengthened through studying abroad, colleges and universities must forge stronger connections between education abroad and other undergraduate experiences. They must also empower students to take more ownership of their time abroad, so that it becomes an integral component of their education, and something they help shape.

The webinar will begin with the introduction of an Education Abroad Integration Model to suggest how education abroad can add value to student learning and development at different points during undergraduate education. The value added will depend on multiple factors, from prior student experiences, to motivations to participate, and to opportunities to make connections across experiences. After a brief look at theories underlying the model, challenges students face when studying abroad will be considered.  We will then turn to the importance of cultivating partnerships beyond the education abroad office, before concluding with a few thoughts about the future of education abroad.

Participants will gain the following from this webinar:

  • how integrative learning theory can inform their work
  • why it is important that education abroad be interconnected with students’ other educational experiences
  • how partnerships can help ensure that education abroad is, indeed, educative

Original Broadcast: Monday, Oct. 7, 2019

Presented by:

Dr. Heidi Barends, Academic Program Manager, EDU Africa
Dr. Michael J. Stebleton, Associate Professor of Higher Education in the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Facilitator: Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation


How do we help students prepare for and engage in reflection related to education abroad? What are the best practices and ideas to introduce reflection before students leave the US, implement it while abroad, help them engage, and how to help students continue their reflection upon return to the US.

Original Broadcast: Monday, Oct. 5, 2020

Presented by:

Pat Crawford, Director, School of Design, South Dakota State University

Brett Berquist, Director, International, The University of Auckland, New Zealand

Facilitator: Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation


This webinar will allow participants to identify the essential guiding principles of community engagement abroad, to be exposed to a community engagement abroad framework and evaluation rubric, and to increase awareness of different approaches (lenses) to community engagement abroad work. The webinar is based on the recently published book, "Community Education Abroad" by Berquist and Crawford.  Susan Buck Sutton wrote, “This volume is a landmark in our understanding of community-engaged international learning programs. Tapping the many such programs developed at Michigan State University for the last half century, the volume develops a comprehensive framework for analyzing key elements of community engagement abroad accompanied by theoretically framed case studies of how it can change students, faculty, and communities alike."

Original Broadcast: April 27, 2022

Presented by:

Dr. Alexis Vahlas, University of Strasbourg

Facilitator: CEPA Foundation


Professor Alexis Vahlas PhD, discusses the role of Russia in Europe, explains the Ukraine Crisis as well as Europe's and Russia's involvement in the matter. You will learn about the background of the crisis, how it came to be, and what implication the crisis could have in Europe and globally in the future.

Original Broadcast: April 26, 2023

Presented by:

Jill E. Blondin, Ph.D., Associate Vice Provost for Global Initiatives, Virginia Commonwealth University

Marketa Lepicovsky, Ph.D., Academic Director, CEPA Foundation

Facilitator: CEPA Foundation


  • How do education abroad programs contribute to students’ development of an international perspective as they learn to adjust their attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors in different cultural settings?
  • Examples from Europe address specific cultural challenges and learning opportunities US-based students and faculty may expect to encounter in this region of the world.
  • Finally, how might educators and providers articulate these skills to students and assess the impact of the experience? -
  • This webinar is designed for education abroad professionals at all levels, faculty, and staff who offer international opportunities or engage with international students.
If you have requested access to the on-demand webinars in the past and would like to receive the login criteria for the new website, please just contact heide.wiedmann@cepa-foundation.org to request new login credentials.