December is the time of the year to give back to those in need.
As we reflect on the past year and prepare for 2020, we invite you to help make a difference to the lives of families and children in Vuelta Grande, Guatemala, the charity project site for CEPA Foundation. Providing access to education, homes, health and medical care, and clean drinking water are just some of the areas CEPA Foundation works to improve every year. We need your help to improve the conditions for families in need!
Update 2019
- More than 50 preschool children attend classes daily and receive a hot meal
- Literacy courses are held for adolescents and adults
- An electrical engineering course was held for a group of men
- The infirmary is regularly attended by volunteer doctors
- Our first university student groups came to Vuelta Grande in January, February, March and November to volunteer and help fundraise
CEPA Foundation is a 501C3 non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible.
Different ways you can support our project:
The community in Vuelta Grande needs your help. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated.
School Supplies
In the state school of Vuelta Grande, there is an urgent need for assistance.
The children lack everything they need to succeed in school.
During our last visit we arranged for a warm meal to be served to the students twice a week. However, our goal is to ensure a warm meal every day in the future.
In addition, teaching materials, ie books, practice workbooks, a library and educational games, but also some computers for the older students must be purchased. Due to the lack of school furniture many children cannot attend school.

To serve a warm meal for approximately 200 pupils, we need about $85 - $110 per student. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated.
Compost Toilets
During our last visit to the small infirmary in Vuelta Grande, the doctor pulled a worm out of a young boy's mouth. Many children have parasites throughout the body, especially worm infestations. Reason for this are on the one hand the catastrophic hygienic conditions, but also simple ignorance. Hardly any family has a toilet.
It is possible to buy and set up simple prefabricated dry toilets called latrinas. These toilets are environmentally friendly and do not require the use of drinking water, which is already a problem to provide in the area.
Need in Vuelta Grande: at least about 50 toilets

Cost per toilet (set up with the help of families): approximately $220. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated.
Houses instead of corrugated iron huts
Finally, let's provide a roof over their heads!
Thanks to the tireless efforts of Ingrid Juarez-Brenner, the US aid organization "Roofs" has done great things last year in the region around Vuelta Grand and El Hato. They have built 131 simple, but quite functional houses for the families there. Nevertheless, there is a need for more houses. Too many people still live in poor corrugated iron huts.
Through "Roofs" we can continue to build such houses. "Roofs" has a priority list that determines which family will receive the next house. Each family pays a small but important share of the house itself (about $200).
Volunteers working with "Roofs" build the houses in cooperation with the local families.
Sponsor a Child
Through this sponsorship talented children of the village schools Vuelta Grande, El Hato and San Mateo have the opportunity to attend a good secondary school or college in Antigua after the six compulsory grade school years. Training opportunities are available afterwards, e.g. to become a teacher, accountant, mechanic or tourism professional. A scholarship will finance school fees, books, school uniforms, meals and transportation from the village to the school. Students are selected, supervised and supported by experienced members of the Rotary Club Antigua.
The sponsors receive information about the school achievements and personal development 1-2 times a year. Our aim is to promote young people from rural areas with education and training. These young people then serve as role models for their siblings and friends in the village. In addition, they should also make their own contributions to improve the living conditions in their villages. During our visit to Guatemala in February, we talked to several of these students. They were all highly motivated, hard-working, speak English and have good grades.
In collaboration with the Rotary Club Antigua, we have already selected five children from the public school in Vuelta Grande, who have been allowed to go to secondary school since January 2015 in Antigua. This allows them a sound education and vocational training. We are looking for other sponsors who are willing to support a godchild over a period of about 5 years. Of course, several supporters together can co-sponsor a child together.
If you are interested in yearly donations to sponsor a child, please contact us:
Costs for a school sponsorship: approximately $775 per child per year.
Important requirement : long-term dedicated financial support over the course of 5-6 years is necessary to guarantee a solid school graduation